Planet zoo layout
Planet zoo layout

planet zoo layout

Facilities connected by staff paths to stay out of sight of guests. If disease is found in the animal then, vet surgery is needed to perform operations on animals. When you adopt an animal, quarantine is needed to check for disease. You will need keeper huts in order for the zoo keepers to feed the animals. So give them what they want! Place shops, bathrooms, benches, food stalls, decor, build a mall around exhibits if you want, just make them happy! Facilities in Planet Zooįacilities are needed for an effective zoo. Unhappy guests mean they will leave the park sooner, spend less money, and the zoo attracts fewer guests. However, they do not want to see the zoo facilities like power, keeper huts or anything of the like because it makes them unhappy. They want great views of the animals, otherwise the zoo trip wasn’t worth it for them. They will also need places to rest after walking great distances. After fulfilling those needs, the guests will need the bathroom. Anyone recognize these stalls from Planet Coaster? Guests will spend money at shops and make donations at viewing areas for habitats and exhibits. Now for your zoo to be profitable, you need to attract guests. If you adopt them with cash, however, you cannot release them into the wild. They can be adopted by using cash or by conservation credits. Getting Animals in Planet Zoo The animal trading menuĪnimals are purchasable either from the animal trading or exhibit trading. Under the nature tab, you can use this information to filter the plants you are looking for. If you click on an animal inside the habitat, you will see the biome(s) and the continent it lives in. Foliageįoliage needs are plant coverage and the correct plants in the habitat. These are adjustable with paint, water, and landscaping tools. Terrain needs include the amount of land, climbable areas, water, and types of land. Make sure you put that in the fine print somewhere so you don’t get sued. You also need to make sure the barriers are tall enough so the animals don’t jump over unless of course, your zoo’s goal is to become a thrilling survivor ultimate experience for your guests. If the animals can climb, you need to make sure the barriers are not climbable. There is a heat map you can use to help you see temperature ranges.Īlso, there are barriers to think about. Temperatures are controlled by heaters, coolers and sprinklers in habitats and exhibits are controlled by setting the exhibits’ temperature. You have to consider temperature, terrain, and foliage.

planet zoo layout

You need to keep this in mind when adopting animals and when animal children are about to mature into adults. Some animals, like monkeys, require having many adults in their habitat and others do not. Social needs are very different among animals. You can set the food quality by clicking on the habitat the animals are in and click on the animal tab when the menu appears on the right. The animals’ welfare depends on four factors: Their overview tab contains information on their needs. People don’t want to spend money to see empty exhibits or at least I don’t.ĭifferent animals have different needs. Zoos cannot be a zoo without the animals. Animals are an important part of Planet Zoo 2 crocodiles swimming in their habitat at Panda Park. Located here are the zoo, animal and exhibit trading, habitat, barriers, facilities, nature, construction, paths and terrain tabs. The bottom menu is where all the stuff is. The menu on the left lets the player to view objectives, alerts, online players, replay dialogue, help and the Zoopedia. The setting button is in the upper right. There is a menu on the bottom and one on the left.

planet zoo layout

The layout of Planet Zoo is like Planet Coaster.


This zoo simulator game was released in 2019. Planet Zoo is a zoo management simulation game made by Frontier Developments. Played Planet Coaster and can’t wait to play Planet Zoo? Was Zoo Tycoon on Xbox One the last good zoo game you played and can’t wait to learn about this zoo simulation game? You are in luck, with this overview you will learn all about the game.


Free Online Zoo Games: Building the Best Online Zoo

Planet zoo layout